
Table of contents

  1. FCC Secretariat
  2. Executive Board
  3. Advisory Board
  4. Disputes Panel
  5. Development of the Code

FCC Secretariat

The Forest Carbon Code Secretariat function is provided by Icelandic Forest Service.

The Icelandic Forest Service is the Icelandic government agency responsible for forestry policy, support, and regulation as well as forest protection, research and managing the National Forests.

The current secretary is Úlfur Óskarsson.

Executive Board

This board is the executive body responsible for managing the day-to-day running of the Code including its application, promotion, and strategic and technical development. It meets around 3 times per year.

Specific tasks include:

  • Annual review and update of the Code
  • Interpretation of the Code and its application, including dispute resolution
  • Design of the validation, monitoring and verification process
  • Support for the operation of the registry
  • Project validation/verification support and governance
  • Approval of validation/verification bodies
  • Capacity building, communication, and promotion of the Code
  • Periodic reports on the uptake of the Code and a triannual evaluation
  • Establish sub-committees as necessary to deal with specific issues (e.g., communications)


  • Þröstur Eysteinsson, Icelandic Forest Service (Director)
  • Gunnlaugur Guðjónsson, Icelandic Forest Service (CFO)
  • Edda Sigurdís Oddsdóttir, Icelandic Forest Service (CRO)
  • Úlfur Óskarsson, Icelandic Forest Service (FCC)
  • Guðmundur Sigbergsson, International Carbon Registry (Consultant)
  • Hafliði H. Hafliðason, Private (Consultant)

Advisory Board

The role of the Advisory Board is to advise the Executive Board on the application, promotion, revision, and further development of the Forest Carbon Code. It meets annually. The Advisory Board will announced later.

In scope it includes:

  • Development and revision of the Code and supporting tools and guidance
  • Interpretation of the Code and its application
  • Validation, monitoring and verification processes
  • Communication and promotion of the Code
  • Monitoring, research, and evaluation
  • Market development

Disputes Panel

The Disputes Panel deals with any disputes relating to interpretation of the Standard. Any complaints relating to projects implementation should follow our standard complaints procedure.

The panel consists of:

  • Guðmundur Sigbergsson, (FCC Advisory Board)
  • Ragnhildur Freysteinsdóttir, (FCC Advisory Board)
  • Gunnlaugur Guðjónsson, (Icelandic Forest Service, FCC Executive Board - Chair)
  • Edda Sigurdís Oddsdóttir, (Icelandic Forest Service, FCC Executive Board)

If any of the appointed Disputes Panel members have a conflict of interest concerning any case, then the Executive Board will appoint alternative panel members. Decisions are reached by majority vote; in the case of a split decision, the chair has the deciding vote.

The Panel meets as required and advises the Executive Board. If you have an issue to bring to the Disputes Panel, complete the Claimant Dispute Form and email it to

The process followed is set out below:

  • The Disputes Panel will discuss submitted Claimant Dispute Forms at the next meeting.
  • The FCC Secretariat and/or the validator/ verifier will provide information on the case.
  • The Panel will consider all information and then share a draft response with the claimant for comment.
  • The claimant will have 3 weeks to comment.
  • Any new information will be shared with the FCC secretariat to ensure a common understanding of the issues.
  • The panel will consider any further information and then formally respond.
  • The Disputes Committee’s decision is final.

Development of the Code

Summary of main developments to date

2018: Voluntary markets in carbon credits first discussed within the IFS. Certification schemes looked at and the decision made to translate the UK Woodland Carbon Code.

2019: First ideas introduced at the annual forest conference. Work on adapting the UK Woodland carbon Code to Icelandic legislation. The Icelandic Forest Carbon Code (FCC 1.0) completed.

2020: Work on the Icelandic Carbon Calculator (ICC) and International Carbon Registry (ICR) begins. Continued introduction/presentation/promotion of the FCC to interested parties. The first contracts between the IFS and private companies/individuals for carbon afforestation projects are made. Yggdrasil (YGG) carbon established.

2021: ICC presented and put on the IFS website. The number of carbon afforestation contracts increases. The advisory role of the IFS becomes clearer. Planting commences within the first carbon afforestation projects. Development of project idea notes (PIN) and project design documents (PDD) as well as modifications to afforestation planning.

2022: The ICR commences registering carbon projects. A carbon projects manager is hired by the IFS (the first employee specifically hired to work on FCC projects). Planting commences on several projects by the IFS, YGG Carbon and others. Validation of the first project is completed and pending carbon credits registered on the ICR. Work on FCC 2.0 commences.